On The Road: Come back somewhere new (Aug 7th 2018)

Hayley Jade
2 min readJan 8, 2021


Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

The big day has arrived. As I write I’m on a plane to New York City. I have an old friend in Manhattan who will be putting me up for the week. Me and my fiancé that is. After the U.S. we’ll fly to Java, Indonesia, where we’ve given ourselves a further 2 weeks to make our way down through the island and over to Bali where we’ll end our trip.

Why is travel so vital? Well if you live in a big town like I do then nature is a big part of it. Ok, I’m not going to get that in New York, but in Indonesia it’s guaranteed. I’m craving warm rain lashing down on jungle mud, releasing that smell. Earthy bliss. I’m also craving temples. I know you can meditate anywhere but to have space, peace, intricately carved stone — what a way to get in the mood. I want to use these ancient structures to sit, to gaze in wonder, to appreciate.

I haven’t meditated as much as I would have liked to since I last wrote. Perhaps that’s why I’m so desperate for it now. That and lots of walking. I’m looking forward to feeling physically tired at the end of each day. I heard a good definition of discipline the other day: ‘the ability to come back, to return to our chosen path or intention’. I can’t wait to touch down and ‘come back’ somewhere new.

